Star wars commander base lvl 4 Star Wars™: Commander: Appstore for Android

In a recent article we have talked about a base design for a lvl 3 base, now it’s time to move on a little bit and check out some base layout suggestions for a level 4 headquarters base in Star Wars: Commander. The Star Wars Commander Forum. The Star Wars Commander Forum - This forum dedicated to sharing tips, walk throughs, finding squad, and general discussions around the Star Wars Commander Game.

What makes her base tough is her shields are very close together and she has a cluster of 4 level 9 sonics. Sharps will take some time to get 2 shields down and sonics will do plenty of damage to droids. Once shields are down you need to B-wing the cluster.

Best Lvl 4 HQ Base layout attacked by 8 Wookiees. This base configuration is the strongest base design for protection against Rebels like Wookiees. In this... Rate my Lvl4 base, pls - The Star Wars Commander Forum I'm planning on building another shield generator right beside the current one with the idea that its shield will extend over the HQ, then rev it up to the highest lvl I can for max protection. All thoughts, critiques, and suggestions will be appreciated. Rate My Base Layout - Page 2 - The Star Wars Commander Forum Lvl 8 Empire base LVL 6 Empire Base Star Wars: Commander - Strongest Lvl 5 HQ Base Design... Level 5 Headquarters base layout (version 2) attacked. Showcases how this base design survives attacks from rebels in the game Star Wars: Commander. This is one of the best base arrangements in Level 5 HQ. Two Shield Generators each are protecting walled off areas of Alloy and Credit resource...

Level 4 Defensive Structure Setup - The Star Wars

Star Wars: Commander: Defense Guide - Guide to defending... | N4G WP - "Star Wars: Commander is a wildly popular new strategy game based on the Star Wars franchise, but more comparable to Clash of Clans as far as gameplay goes. As important as offense is, defense is equally important if not more so. Without a good defense, you will have other players... Star Wars: Commander for Android - Download Download Star Wars: Commander The Rebellion or the Empire: Pick your side and be a part of Star Wars. The Empire, on the other hand, has the legendary AT-ATs, among other units. Part of your task is to manage your operations base, where you can create all kinds of buildings: for... TH4 Base Design? - Star Wars: Commander Message... - GameFAQs

Starwars Commander

Star Wars Commander - Base Designs | (BIG) STAR WARS! LucasFilm has hops on board and made their own version of Clash of Clans. While this new game is a bit buggy, it’s still a ton of fun to play and be in this Star Wars: Commander - Strongest Lvl 4 HQ Base Design... Best Lvl 4 HQ Base layout attacked by 8 Wookiees. This base configuration is the strongest base design for protection against Rebels like Wookiees. In this video, 10 of them attacked and the base survived without losing any stars. Star Wars: Commander - Strongest Lvl 5 HQ Base Design...

Creating the perfect base and being able to defend your headquarters and resources in Star Wars: Commander is just as important as being able to successfully Star Wars: Commander | In Star Wars: Commander, you choose to fight for the Rebellion or Empire, train your troops, build units and vehicles, defend your base, complete story missions, level up your heroes and vehicles, battle on different worlds, and team up with friends. Research Lab - Star Wars Commander Star Wars Commander Info ... Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10

For Star Wars: Commander on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled ... +During protection your base is protected from attacks of other players. ... +Your buildings will always stay intact at their current level (be ...

Top 5 Base Layouts - Star Wars: Commander Guide Strong Core For this base, build a wall around your HQ and a few turrets. This is most players' favored layout early on in the game when you don't have .. Star Wars: Commander – Best Base Layouts (Lvl 2 … Best possible HQ base layouts (Levels 2-5) for the game Star Wars: Commander. Nice collection for you to use. Top 5 Attacking Strategies - Star Wars: Commander … Top 5 Attacking Strategies Anti-turrets The biggest danger early in the game when you are attacking an enemy base is that your weaker units (of which most of the …